Category: General

Luke 4:18’s Faith in Action – Santa Gifts for Seniors!

The Luke 4:18 Committee is very happy to announce that we are supporting the St. Justin Martyr Parish in their Caring and Sharing Program’s  Christmas outreach.  We will be collecting various items, such as chocolates, cookies, socks, hats, and scarves, which will be placed into gift bags and then given to seniors in the community.

The gift bags will be given to The ... Continue reading "Luke 4:18’s Faith in Action – Santa Gifts for Seniors!"

St. Justin, Martyr Parish Elementary School Activities

The St. Justin Martyr Parish, Unionville welcomes all families to join them for their Masses and activities through the year 2022-’23. The St. Justin Marty Parish community had grown over years, and they always extend a welcoming hand to their youth through various youth-centric programs. Have a look at their activities and choose what fits best for your child and your family.

Join us for Curriculum Night Thursday, Sept. 22@6:45 pm in the gym!

We are excited to host our upcoming Curriculum Night in person this year!

Please join us at 6:45 pm in the gym to meet our Catholic School Council chair and meet our teachers.

The teachers will then host two sessions at 7-7:15 pm and 7:15-7:30 pm in their classrooms.

In addition, the Book Fair will be open ... Continue reading "Join us for Curriculum Night Thursday, Sept. 22@6:45 pm in the gym!"

The St. Monica Book Fair is almost here!

Our Special Day is Coming Soon

Welcome back to another exciting school year at St. Monica!  The annual Scholastic St. Monica Book Fair will take place at St. Monica Library Commons.  For your shopping convenience, it runs from Tuesday September 20-22nd from   9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Thursday evening on Curriculum Night from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

All proceeds  ... Continue reading "The St. Monica Book Fair is almost here!"

Welcome back to the 2022-2023 school year everyone!

Welcome back St. Monica Community! I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable summer. On behalf of our staff, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the students, families, and staff members, both returning and new to the St. Monica Community. I know our students will enjoy playing, working and learning together as they endeavour to reach their God-given potential.  I look forward ... Continue reading "Welcome back to the 2022-2023 school year everyone!"